AI for Finance 2021


Xavier Gomez

Founder & COO



Xavier Gomez is co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of INVYO. In 2017, he founded INVYO, a SaaS company that uses machine learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to empower human intelligence with big data in Finance. He is regular columnist on BFM Business TV (french CNBC TV) about Fintech and Finance. Before INVYO, Xavier worked for banks, in Credit Suisse, as Director, in different top management position (wealth management and Investment banking) between London, Paris and Zurich, and in Pictet as global multi-asset portfolio manager. Xavier has master from ISC – Institut Supérieur du Commerce (Master Graduate School Management – Finance) in 2000. He holds a certification from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) specialization Fintech (2016) and is a graduate of HEC Paris in Private Equity (Leadership Executive program in Private Equity in partnership with France Invest - French Association of Private Equity) in 2017. INVYO is the first market intelligence platform dedicated to Financial Services. The company offers a SaaS solution that leverages proprietary Big Data analytics and Natural Language Analysis (NLP) technologies to help financial institutions drive their digital transformation strategy. INVYO provides its clients with predictive analysis, sourcing, market intelligence and competitive intelligence tools, and conducts targeted analyzes accessible on request or from its research portal.

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