AI for Finance 2021

Edmond de Rothschild

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At Edmond de Rothschild, we believe that wealth is what tomorrow can be made of. Edmond de Rothschild is a conviction-driven investment house dedicated to the conviction that wealth is what tomorrow can be made of. Family-based, independent and specialised, we favour bold strategies and investments rooted in the real economy, combining long-term performance and impact. We do believe that finance must actively accompany the development of the tech sector and we support entrepreneurs with a long-term vision, encouraging them to adopt a sustainable approach and to develop their economic and societal potential. Our approach rooted in the real economy.

MEDIAS Gallery

Edmond de Rothschild and the Tech
Edmond de Rothschild Banque Privée
Edmond de Rothschild Ingénierie Patrimoniale
Edmond de Rothschild Corporate Finance
Edmond de Rothschild's Ecosystem